Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Blog #5

Living in America:

Living in America is not as amazing as many people believe it to be. Everything is bigger and better, but compared to other countries; it appears that we prioritize material culture far more than non-material culture.

As seen with the chart below-
American Values                                        vs. Other Cultures’ Values
Personal control/responsibility                   vs. Fate/destiny
Change seen as natural/positive/Progress vs. Stability/tradition
Time and its control                                     vs. Human Interaction
Equality/fairness                                          vs. Hierarchy/rank/status
Individualism/independence/freedom   vs. Group welfare/dependence
Self-Help/initiative                                    vs. Birthright/inheritance
Competition                                               vs. Cooperation
Future orientation                                     vs. Past orientation
Action/work                                                vs. “Being”
Informality                                                 vs. Formality
Directness/openness/Honesty                    vs. Indirectness/ritual/”face”
Practicality/efficiency                                 vs. Idealism/theory
Materialism/Acquisitiveness                        vs. Spiritualism/detachment
Achievement/Success                                   vs. Acceptance/Status Quo
Morality/judgment                        vs. Consequentialism/situational ethics

In class we watched Tuesdays With Morrie, which exhibited many of these values we have seemed to prioritize over others. The main character, Mitch was engrossed with his job leaving no time for his girlfriend, friends, or family. He spent all of his time traveling to find information for his column, putting a strain on his relationship with his girlfriend, leading to an unwanted breakup and realization that he needed to set his prioritize straight. After seeing that Morrie, was diagnosed with a terminal illness, he made it a precedence to spend some time with him. Doing so exposed him to Morrie's values (unordinary to the US), which encompassed the importance of family, spirituality, acceptance, etc. He reconized his wrong doings and was able to fix the issues with work and his girlfriend. Mitch before Morrie is what a majority of Americans lives are like, we are so focused on money and work that we hardly leave time for anything that is truly important. I observed America's skewed values, but never thought about it very deeply. This movie made me want to change my everyday concerns that wont matter years from now and focus on my family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Euna. You want to know a secret? In years from now, you will still want to value family and friends. Better to make them a part of your big rocks sooner rather than later.
